Monday, June 11, 2007

A Few More Fries for Thought

But not super-sized:

From the category of Why Is It? We love Nathan's and Hebrew National beef franks. They have an excellent taste and hold up well to grilling. But why do the Kosher packages have seven dogs to a pound (not a pun) and the non Kosher packages have eight dogs to a pound (again no pun)?

From the category of stupid label disclaimers: On the label of a large bottle of Mike's Frozen Hard Lemonade is: "Blender and ice not included."

Some more 10th grade gems (and no, I'm not betraying any confidentiality):

"The USA is the worlds largest supper power." Can't argue with that.

They had to use and understand the terms "natural-born citizen" and naturalized citizen." That proved problematic for some:

We got terms like "unborn citizen," "born citizen," "foreign unborn," "home born," "unnatural citizen," "non natural born." You get the picture.

"Declaration of Independants." Makes sense to me.

"Farmers of the Constitution." Foundling Fathers".

Also had this quote from Twain woven into one of the best essays I read: "A patriot loves his country. A nationalist hates everybody else."

And one of my favorites: "It takes a lot of hard work and smarts to become a memorized president of the US."

I hope I get called back to score some more writing tests. It was rather satisfying at times and could be very depressing at other times. It's hard to tell who is failing whom: Schools, teachers, parents, laws or administrators. But quite often, I read a paper that had triumphed over all those adversities, and it was a pleasure.

BRB is Write (and does not like very many kids.)



Blogger mdmnm said...

BRB- good posts and good to see you writing!

2:58:00 PM  
Blogger brbiswrite said...

"BRB- good posts and good to see you writing! "

Thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes they come, sometimes the posts stay buried, as I'm sure you know.

11:10:00 AM  

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